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Common Interview Questions
Victorious Woman
- What inspired you to write Victorious Woman!?
- How do you define the victorious woman?
- What constitutes a victory?
- Is being proactive the only thing that sets these women apart?
- Once a woman is Victorious, does it end there?
- You talk about creating a Victory…is that the same thing as a goal?
- How did you find the women you interviewed?
- How did you choose the women whose stories you told?
- How did you chose the different challenges,e.g., starting over, domestic abuse?
- What made a woman’s story interesting to you?
- Did you have some kind of process for selecting women to interview?
- How many women did you speak to and how many did you include in the book?
- In your book you outline the Stepping Stones. What are they?
- What are those characteristics?
- If you had one thing you wanted women to know, what would it be?
- Are the Stepping Stones a kind of 1-2-3 formula?
- You mentioned that an Advancing Woman develops her skills. What is one key skill that you would suggest a woman develop?
- What is the best tip you can pass along to women who want to create a victory?
- What is the most common mistake that women make that impedes victory?
- How can women prevent that from happening?
- Do you think men are to blame for women’s problems?
- Why is the book called Victorious Woman! not Victorious Women!?
- What do you think is the greatest difference between this book and other self-help books?
Five-Year Marriage®
- What is a Five-Year Marriage®?
- You say traditional marriage is obsolete. What makes you say that?
- What makes this book different from any of the other books about marriage?
- What’s so special about the five-year timeframe?
- Is this the same as a pre-nuptial agreement?
- Why is this Five-Year Marriage® concept important?
- How did you get this idea?
- What led up to it?
- When you first presented this idea to Joseph, how did he respond?
- If he said ‘no’ what would you have done?
- How did people respond when you told them you were only getting married for five years?
- What kind of problems doe the Five-Year Marriage® solve?
- Nothing solves all the problems of marriage, so what would be an unreasonable expectation of the Five-Year Marriage®?
- Why do you think the Five-Year Marriage® is so empowering for women?
- You have a list of “avoid at all cost” behaviors. What are they?
- You talk about buzzwords and headlights. What are they?
- You talk about the “solid seven” traits – why are they important?
- What are a couple of the solid seven traits?
- You talk about Family Meetings. What are they?
- Why are they important?
- How often do you have Family Meetings?
- Why do you have ‘ground rules” for Family Meetings?
- You have a whole chapter called Nitty Gritty. What is a “nitty gritty” topic?
- What do you think is the most crucial “nitty gritty” discussion a couple has?
- You have six keys that every couple needs to embrace. What are they?
- Which one is the most important one?
- Do you have a favorite?
- You talk about “corrosive communication.” What is it and why is it important to understand?
- What are two of the most common day-to-day problems and how does the Five-Year Marriage® help to resolve those?
- Do you think, after six Five-Year Marriages®, you would still get a divorce?