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Welcome! I’m so happy that you’re here. 

If you’re getting married, you’re in the right place to get the tools, tips, and strategies you need to reimagine marriage so it works for you.

Marriage is fabulous. I know because I’ve been married EIGHT times…to the same man…for just FIVE YEARS each time.  I know that marriage is a partnership formed through attraction and grown with love. 

Marriage is – needs to be – your own safe space, the place where you feel most secure, both physically and emotionally. There’s no other relationship like it.

The problem today is that life moves really fast. Couples are working hard to keep up with their jobs, children,  health, friends, social media, and more. Somehow their marriage gets pushed back. When the marriage doesn’t get nurtured, couples drift apart. You know it happens because you’ve seen it. Maybe you lived it.

annmarie headshot

You want something different. That’s why you’re here, right?

You have the power to make marriage better for you. I’ve done it with my spouse, Joseph. And I’m here to help you do it too!

Here’s how to get started:

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