Landing Page: Breaking the Cycle of Overcare

Breaking the Sabotaging Cycle of Overcare

You promised yourself there would be time for doing something for yourself LATER – when you finished taking care of something your partner, children, house, parents, etc., etc.
But you didn’t. When you had time, you couldn’t even think about what you wanted. Even when you knew what you wanted to do, you could not seem to think clearly about how to do it. And anyway, you would tell yourself, “Where would I find the time?”

If this sounds like you, you are experiencing OVERCARE. It occurs when you are so busy doing for everyone else that you don’t have time for yourself to do something that nurtures and fills you up, like working on a goal, reading a book, or having lunch with an old friend.

Its ok, you say. You like doing things for others because it makes you feel good. You admit, however, that you feel overworked, under-appreciated and drained.
That’s overcare – the loss of balance between caring for others and caring for yourself.

Overcare is a risky behavior because there is little return on the investment. It sets up a vicious cycle that, in the end, will leave you physically depleted and emotionally impoverished.  Overcare has one end: burnout. You need to break the cycle. This class will show you how you do it!

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