Webinars & Master Classes
The Savvy Sizzle
Master Class®

Are you living life by design…or by default? Are you wondering what’s next, and afraid that, whatever it is, you won’t like it but you’ll be stuck with it. STOP IT. Stop hiding your beautiful bright light under that old bushel basket. Stop wondering if you’re running out of time.
Learn more! Webinar details >

Life changes. You change. Your relationship changes. When you feel distant and dis-connected from your partner, you need to step back, rethink, reorganize, and reset. That’s what this program helps you do.
Love After Lockdown
Free Webinar

Are you yearning for a time when you both woke up happy together – and you want to get back there? This has been a hard time for everyone – all over the world. We’ve all been doing our best, but it’s been a huge struggle for many. Couples are wondering what the hell happened to their relationship. This Free one-hour webinar will help you rescue your relationship and keep it off the divorce heap.
will help you design a relationship with the one you love that can be equally responsible and accountable. It’s based on intention, boundaries, and accountability – the stuff that protects and grows mutual respect, love, and true intimacy.so that both of you are empowered and neither of you gets left behind.
Described as a “blueprint for life”, the heart felt stories tell of women who got into and out of difficult circumstances and the ‘Stepping Stones’ describe lifestyles that either support or sabotage your victory.
Only $16.95
NEW!! Victorious Woman E-book is now available at Amazon Kindle!
Step-by-Step instructions for you empty nesters and midlife women who are ready for a change to something better – to a life you love living. Victory by Design gets you out of your boring comfort zone and skyrockets you though your personal glass ceiling so you can experience the personal power that is that greater, even more fabulous expression of the real you. Buy Now.
Your Victory Circle
Groups of six to eight women. The members help and challenge each other to their next victories.
Kellys Cafe
This monthly coaching call answers your questions, gives you tips, tickles your inspiration and boosts your motivation.
Available as: Teleseminar
Yearly membership only $120
Savvy Sizzle “No Regrets” Mentoring
You and Annmarie Kelly meet for three months, by phone, 1-on-1.
Annmarie only takes on four private clients at a time because you get individualized attention, strategic support and tactical guidance. Over your 90-day coaching program, you get both the conceptual framework AND the action tools you’ll need to figure out what you want to do, how to do it and do it. You’ll create a doable plan for making it happen and for taking the actions that are going to turn your vision into reality. And then you get the support you need to take action that gets results.
This plan is you having Annmarie Kelly on your team for unlimited help with assessing, planning, strategizing, problem solving, and everything you need (including that all-important “atta girl” ) to help you grow into that bigger picture of who you really are, the you that is happier, more satisfied and joy-filled.
90 days of Savvy Sizzle mentoring: $7,500
Other Workshops & Seminars, Available by Request Only.
Listen to Me! Confidence-building Communication Techniques for Women

Have you ever made a suggestion at work (or with family or friends) and it’s ignored only to have someone else make the same suggestion a few minutes later and everyone thinks it’s great? How frustrating is that?
Available as: Teleseminar
Want to be notified when the next session is available? Join the Mailing List or “Like” the Victorious Woman Facebook Page.
Online and On Demand: Victorious Woman Webinar
It’s easy to live your life based on someone else’s life plan – a parent, a spouse, your social group, even your kids. If you are like most women, you like to help people and also like approval, so it’s fairly effortless to step into the “best supporting” player in your own life. As a result, without even realizing it, you can forget what you really want and what makes you really happy.
for only $47.00, you get this 1 hour seminar, plus a special bonus: A free autographed copy of my book “Victorious Woman, Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories” (shipping & handling not included)
I Love My Life: Mastering the Art of Vision Boards

Learn how to Use Vision Boards to Create the Life of Your Dreams
You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction for creating the life you want. Now it’s time to get busy and start using it. Vision Boards are powerful tools for that can magnetize your personal and professional goals, reinventing your life or getting that “one thing” – car, house, lover – you dream about having. This webinar is both informative and FUN!
Why Wait? Start attracting the life of your dreams now!
Breaking the Sabotaging Cycle of Overcare
You promised yourself there would be time for doing something for yourself LATER – when you finished taking care of something your partner, children, house, parents, etc., etc.
But you didn’t. When you had time, you couldn’t even think about what you wanted. Even when you knew what you wanted to do, you could not seem to think clearly about how to do it. And anyway, you would tell yourself, “Where would I find the time?”
If this sounds like you, you are experiencing OVERCARE. It occurs when you are so busy doing for everyone else that you don’t have time for yourself to do something that nurtures and fills you up, like working on a goal, reading a book, or having lunch with an old friend.
Its ok, you say. You like doing things for others because it makes you feel good. You admit, however, that you feel overworked, under-appreciated and drained.
That’s overcare – the loss of balance between caring for others and caring for yourself.
Overcare is a risky behavior because there is little return on the investment. It sets up a vicious cycle that, in the end, will leave you physically depleted and emotionally impoverished. Overcare has one end: burnout. You need to break the cycle. This class will show you how you do it!
To be notified when this class is offered, Join the Mailing List , “like” the Victorious Woman Facebook Page or send us a message.
Thinking on Your Feet: Presentation Skills for the Nervous Presenter
Do you dread making presentations? Do you get so nervous that you fidget, avoid eye contact and stumble around your words? Whether you’re talking to your boss, sharing information at a meeting or networking, you ability to engage your listener and get your point acrosscan make or break your career. In Thinking on Your Feet, you will be able to identify key elements for presentations, learn how to apply critical “do’s” and avoid sabotaging “don’ts” and start getting those butterflies to fly in formation.
SmartWoman@Work Leadership Certificate
(ask about CEUs)
This series is designed to develop your leadership skills during pivotal times in your career and provide support during critical career transitions. It is a year-long program that focuses on your leadership identity, including embracing your strengths as a woman leader and building and integrating your experience with new skills. By the end of this process, not only will you have developed your leadership skills but also have built a long-term professional network.
Learn more