Landing Page: Smart Woman At Work Leadership Certificate

The Victorious Woman Project


Woman’s Leadership Certificate Program

business womanCertificate Description: Women often think that the old adage, “Leaders are born, not made” isn’t for or about them. Wrong. Companies with the most women board directors (WBD) outperform those with the least by 16 percent (Catalyst 2011). However, when asked about their leadership qualifications, most women are hesitant and often see themselves (and are seen by others) in a supportive role. Women are natural leaders. They lead families, households, schools, communities and companies. They are the primary buyers of products and services for their families, schools and organizations. So what’s missing?
This executive leadership training program consists of forty hours of online and offline training. It gives you the tools that allow you to successfully spearhead your career ambitions and develop your team. You’ll receive instruction in personal management, communications, presentation skills, mentoring, coaching, strategic change, cultivating creativity, analytical thinking and critical decision-making.

The courses in this certificate will equip you to:

  • Identify ways that behavior impacts how you do business
  • Ascertain how certain behaviors are getting in the way of your success in a company or in your own business
  • Develop a focus and a plan
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your personal communication style
  • Define your goals in an organizational context
  • Ascertain risks, uncertainties, and ambiguities in a decision-making environment
  • Overcome personal and organizational factors that complicate decision making
  • Find mentors and sponsors who will help you learn and succeed

Who Should Attend this Program?
Smart Women who are emerging and aspiring leaders and want to learn:

  • What feminine leadership is and how to use it effectively in her career
  • How to clarify her personal brand and get into the driver’s seat of her career
  • A system and step-by-step strategies for advancing her career
  • More effective communication skills that she can use for sales, networking, department meetings & the corporate boardroom
  • How to eliminate the self-sabotaging behaviors that can stall her career
  • How to develop influencing skills to gain greater visibility and credibility
  • A workable system for mentoring that really works for women

And you’ll receive:

  • Access to webinar and teleseminar replays
  • Program handbook containing valuable resources, exercises, suggested reading materials, and more
  • Access to online discussion forums between sessions
  • 1 hour of personal coaching with Victory Strategist Annmarie Kelly
  • Copy of Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories
  • The SmartWoman@Work Leadership Certificate
  • CEU credits, certified by the IACET

Cost: $2,997.00

The Corporate Advantage: Does your work have personal development funds for CEU’s? Your employer may provide this course for you. S/he won’t regret it.
For more information, call/email Annmarie Kelly at 610-738-8225 or

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