Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges Into Personal Victories

Victorious Woman: Shaping Life's Challenges by Annmarie KellyThis book has been described by some women as a cross between inspirational and self-help and by others as a “blueprint for life”.

10 Inspiring Stories of real women overcoming adversity

First, there are the stories of women – probably just like you – who got into and out of difficult circumstances. Maureen was abandoned by her spouse and left with five small children, no job and no money. Patti was diagnosed with multiple cancers – all at the same time.
Stepping Stones Explained

An explanation of various lifestyles that either support or sabotage your victory. Once you understand which stepping stone YOUR on, you’ll be ready to transform YOUR life!
Learn the Six Critical Skills

These skills are essential for every woman who wants to live her best life. And once you’ve learned the skills, you’ll learn about the Victorious Woman Model.


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Review from “The Book Worm” Blog
Review from DA Bale Publishing


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What is the Victorious Woman Project?

Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.

Advice for Achieving your Goals

We all need a little help achieving our goals - these articles offer tips and insight to help you reach your dreams!

blog: Victory Tips

An extensive listing of blog posts that help you take control of your life and live empowered. These articles are full of victory tips.


News and important information about Annmarie Kelly, The Victorious Woman Project and/or The Five-Year Marriage.

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