2024 Girlfriend Gala Photo Gallery

Thanks so much for joining us for the annual Victorious Woman Celebration,
The Girlfriend Gala

WOW! What a good time we had! THANK YOU for being part of it – it was your presence and your energy that made it the best Gala yet!

The fabulous Jayne Tooey took our pix, and she has such a knack for capturing the spirit of Victorious Woman and the Girlfriend Gala! Check out the photos below! and visit her on Facebook: Jayne Tooey

Also, if you haven’t already joined my private FB page, you can do that now: Victory Chicks Community

See you for Girlfriend Gala in May 2025! Have a fabulous, safe, and relaxing summer and a victorious rest of the year!

Annmarie Kelly, Founder, outgoing Chair
Mary Beth Enslin, Chair 

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