Optimal Living Workshop!
You can POSITIVELY change your life
Confused? Frustrated?
Wondering if what you’ve got is all there is?
Stop stressing and start acting!
Don’t wait until January 1 to think about
how to make 2021 a great turnaround year—start now!
This five week course will get you focused and
moving forward in the direction of your BEST LIFE!
Dates: TBD
Sign up for class notifications using the form below.
Optimal Living Success Workshop!
Get your best life – starting now!
Optimal Living Success Workshop! includes:
- 5 classes in Wayne, PA
- Victory by Design e-Workbook
- Assessments (values, DiSC Profile)
- Unlimited emails during course
- 1 personal coaching call
In Optimal Living Success Workshop! you’ll learn:
Week 1: Focus: Who are you and what do you want?
Week 2: Decision: How to set a goal so that you will achieve it
Week 3: Planning: How to turn wishes into realities
Week 4: Motivation Magis: Secret strategies for reaching your goal
Week 5: Obstacles: What to do with them so they don’t stop you
Register Now!
Look at all you get for $395 :
✓ | 5 classes with Annmarie Kelly |
✓ | Victory By Design E-Workbook |
✓ | Values Tracker & DiSC Profile |
✓ | Unlimited Emails |
✓ | 1 Coaching Call |
You can POSITIVELY change your life and Annmarie Kelly will help you!
Why Wait?
Start living your BEST LIFE!
And there’s more!
Every participant will receive the Digital Victory by Design Workbook!
Victory By Design gives you a step-by-step process for examining your life, what you want and what you need to do to BE MORE of who you really are, DO MORE that satisfies your soul and HAVE MORE of the life of your dreams.
What others said about the OPTIMAL LIVING SUCCESS WORKSHOP
Very powerful – I believe these are the tools I need
to make the changes I want to make in my life – B. Eveland
I really like the way Annmarie made me think
– goals, problems, success. E. Ryan
I got the most from realizing you can attain a goal if you
take the steps toward it and plan it out.
It was a good learning experience. J. McAllister
Thank you for being an excellent teacher and
giving me the opportunity to get to know myself better – M. Curley
Give yourself the gift of a wonderful life!!
Register today for the Optimal Living Success Workshop

NOTE: All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (Philadelphia PA)
Convert time to your location here: International Time Converter