Articles for Makeover Victories

What Color is Your Makeover?

Never thought of your makeover in color? Think about it for a minute now. Close your eyes and picture a stage with a black curtain. Behind the curtain is your makeover. When the curtain opens, what will you find? What colors will you see?
When you think of your makeover, do you see somber browns, grays and blacks or do you see energetic colors like luscious lemons, razzmatazz reds, or gadzook greens?
Believe it or not, the success of your Midlife Makeover may depend on the colors you envision. Download this article to find out why.(pdf)

Mid-Life Transitions: Seasons of Growth

Are you one of the many midlife women who is in transition because you are:

  • Bored and/or frustrated and want to breathe new energy into your life
  • Suddenly or unexpectedly single
  • Going back to school or reviving a dormant career or
  • Downsizing so you can have more time for yourself
  • An empty nester looking for a new purpose or adventure

If you are, then you are in the growing season called transition. And, you aren’t alone. Read more. (pdf)

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