Social Media and Midlife Women

It’s called “the cost of caring.” It’s the reason why women are more prone to stress than men. But a survey by the Pew Research Foundation learned that, for women, social media can be a stress-reliever. Here’s a quick summary of what the report found:
“The broad patterns are:

  • Overall, women tend to report more stress than men. But, those women who use a number of digital technologies to communicate with others tend to report less stress than women who do not use these technologies.
  • Women are more aware of stressful events in the lives of their closest friends and family.
  • Social media use is related to even higher levels of awareness of the stressful events that unfold in the lives of people they know.
  • Awareness of stressful events in others’ lives is a significant contributor to people’s own stress. It is the only factor that we found that is common to both social media use and psychological stress. The number of undesirable events associated with stress is greater for women than for men.”
That might explain why midlife women are the fastest growing group on social media. So, while many feel the need to unplug from social media, Facebook and Twitter might be just the thing for you! What do you think?

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