Visioning: you have probably read my blogs or been to one of my classes about Vision Boards and Vision Books. Here’s a real life success example…
Vision Boards – Drive Your Focus
A few weeks ago I got an email from Audra Supplee, who was in one of my Vision Board classes and followed it up with a Victory Team. In her email, Audra explained that she’d entered a competition for women speakers. The mission was to deliver a five-minute inspirational speech that wowed both judges and audience. The event was something like American Idol – the judges included the mayor and a few local celebs and their opinions made up half the score while the audience made up the other half. The prize was a speaker slot at an upcoming conference.
Intimidated, but continuing on
While Audra is a good speaker, she’s not yet a professional. Some of her challengers were professional speakers. Tough competition…and a bit scary, to say the least.
For weeks Audra did the normal intense prep for that kind of competition, including practice-practice-practice and presenting for and getting advice from other speakers. In addition, Audra told me, “I did a ton of prep – plus, for the first time, I tried that vision statement thing. I had signs all over the house that read: “Congratulations! Sunshine Sister Idol Winner!” and “Great Job Engaging the Audience!”
Vision Board Success!
Last week, Audra won! She beat out her very stiff competition…and she’s so excited!!
Vision Boards can be used for simple one and done goals as well as longer and bigger ones. I’ve used them for little events but also for [what I call] lifestyle visions.
If you aren’t using visioning to get where you want to go in your life, start today!
February 15: I’m offering a “reunion” class tomorrow night for past participants.
March 14-21-28: Local class
May: Vision Board webinar series. If you want information about it, sign up for my newsletter and look for information starting next month, or email me at Subject line: Visioning Webinar