October Victory Theme: Vision

golden key for success

Ok, the kids are back in school now. Maybe this year you joined the empty nest crowd – or you can see that will happy pretty soon – maybe faster than you expected.

So what’s next? Are you planning to wait around until someone finds something for you to do, or are you going to take charge of your life and lead it in the direction that will fill your mind and satisfy your soul?

What’s that you say? You’ve been so busy with other things – and other people’s agendas, that you don’t know what you want? Well you aren’t alone. You are like the majority of women who are socialized to think of themselves as a mother, spouse, caregiver – all things that focus on someone else’s life and goals.

You really can have anything you want. The key is knowing what that is…and that’s the place most women get stuck.

So this month, you’ll focus on getting a vision for your future.

Here’s the first things you can do:

Decide what you want.

Start with these two steps:

  1. Make a list of everything you can possibly think of that would make you happy
  2. From that list, choose five items, one from each of these five areas: social, physical, financial, professional and spiritual

If you have trouble thinking about what you want, start by making a list of everything you DON’T want. Then pick five things in the five categories listed above and find their opposite.

Send me an email and let me know either how you do or how you need help. Or, go to the Victorious Woman Project’s facebook page and post it there.

And remember: you can have anything you want!!!

Vision Victoriously!!!

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What is the Victorious Woman Project?

Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.

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