Finding Your Voice
Today’s guest was Mimi Donaldson and we talked about how to find your voice. Learn more about her here: Mimi Donaldson. Mimi has a special offer for you: she would love to help you create your perfect marketing speech. For my listeners, she will do a special 20-minute free assessment call so you can see if she can help YOU. Her phone is 310-577-0229.
Before I closed the show, I talked about Weird Al Yankovick’s newest video. It’s a take-off on the fabulous song “Blurred Lines” but Weird Al calls it “Word Crimes. For those of us who are used to complete sentences and words without numbers, this one will make you laugh – hard! Here’s the link, and click on the “Word Crimes” box: Weird Al
I also talked about seeing Straight No Chaser. Here’s the link to their website…scroll down to the video box and enjoy their version of Happy.
Today’s quote came from Tina Turner. She left an abusive marriage with nothing but her talent…and that’s when she found her voice. Tina Turner said, “Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go – purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything… whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.”