Women and Victory – What's it about?

Is VICTORY for you – or just for men?

In 2004 I first presented the idea of VICTORY to a group of women and it blew them away. They all agreed that they only associated victory with things like sports, politics, war and other traditionally male domains. Considering victory relating to women was a totally new idea.

In that workshop, as we explored victorious ideas, every single woman embraced victory for herself. Each one loved the idea of becoming a Victorious Woman! And they learned something about themselves. Many said thinking about victory in relation to their own lives changed them for the better. And it’s been the same for hundreds of other women since then.


Because in spite of common misperceptions, VICTORY isn’t about overt action or aggressive behaviors.

Instead, it’s about building the strength inside yourself so you can be powerful enough to live your life’s purpose with satisfaction and happiness. If you are like most women, deep in your soul, that’s what you want.

Yes, sometimes it’s like fighting an uphill battle. The most attractive advertising and kindest language portrays women as soft, compromising, sensual, and accommodating – the mom, the sexpot, the eternal good girl. And when she shows up as strong, it’s usually in a negative context – the “B” word, the nag, the dominatrix.

But here’s the truth:

VICTORY EMPOWERS WOMEN just like you. It supports you in being the leader of your own life – the driver of your car, not the passenger in someone else’s. It encourages you to stand in you own power – not man power, but your own feminine power.

Victory is the stretch you make to get from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s not a goal you achieve and then move on to the next goal. And it’s not a one-time event. It’s a building block – a cog in a wheel – that progressively takes you to better and better places in your mind, heart and body. As a Victorious Woman you can take a risk and step into new territory. Sometimes you revisit old territory with new behaviors. Sometimes you succeed and other times you don’t – but you always grow from it.

One victory builds on another. It’s exciting and scary at the same time.

Of course, you can choose not to embrace your inner Victorious Woman. But what will that get you? More of how you hate feeling: stressed, unfulfilled, empty.

Decide during this Victorious Woman Month to focus a moment each day on taking a small step towards victory. However small it is, it’s a step in the right victorious direction to a happier life.

If you need some help, download Thirty-one Days of Victories, the Victorious Woman Month calendar daily tips: https://bit.ly/llH1Zh
If you have a story you want to tell, you still have time to enter the Victorious Woman Contest: www.victoriouswomancontest.com
Join us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victoriouswomanproject

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Who is Annmarie Kelly?

Annmarie Kelly is an Author, Speaker & Lifestyle Influencer. She helps women LIVE VICTORIOUSLY – out loud and in living color! I help women develop their own personal victory strategy so they can solve problems, transform adversities into opportunities, achieve their goals and create relationships where they feel valued.

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