Values: August Victory Theme

Annmarie$Joseph.TopOfTheRockWhen I was a kid, I valued what my parents told me to value because I knew I would get in trouble if I didn’t follow their rules. So my top value was obeying the rules. And I think approval was right up there too. Those were probably my top two values until I was about 16.

Values Change As You Age

Once I started driving, I loved the freedom it gave me. So freedom became a value.

When I had no money to buy food, and struggled to pay rent and bills, I saw the value of financial security and living a lifestyle that enabled me to pay the bills. I liked not being nervous when the mail came and not having bill collectors calling me.

Are Your Values Really Yours?

By my mid-twenties, after I ended an engagement about six months before the wedding, I questioned the value of being the perennial “good girl.” I developed a greater sense of value for my freedom. And I felt encouraged to take some risks with my career and my love life. Those risks paid off in terms of a successful business, satisfying career and happy marriage.

Take Stock Of What’s Important & Your Values Will Become Clear

Today I value freedom more than ever. But that value is trumped by good health because, without my robust health, I might have to give up some freedoms. And because I see the hand of God in more and more of my life, I value that relationship more and more. I also value love more than I ever did because my friends are more precious to me and the intimacy I share with my spouse is better than I ever thought it would be.

Find Happiness & Empowerment by Identifying Your Values

What about you? I run into many women who don’t know what their top five or ten values are. As a result, they find themselves going around in circles, doing things that don’t fill them up or make them happy and not knowing why.

Do you know what you value most?

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