Happy Hour Special – Limited Time!

GiftOn today’s happy hour, I talked with hypnotherapist Sharon O’Connor about Gratitude, Goals and the Law of Attraction. Sharon talked about the Power Questions she learning from The Ten-Day Mental Diet. We both thought they were powerful enough to post on my blog. I thought the morning questions are good, but night not take the time to do them (because I’m usually rushing around). So I think it would be good to put each one on an index card and have one on the bathroom mirror, one by the kitchen sink, another in the car, etc. – so that you have those power questions at the ready. So here they are, compliments of The Richardson Group:
Problem Solving Questions

  1. What is great about this problem?
  2. What is not yet perfect?
  3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
  4. How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

Morning Power Questions

  1. What am I happy about in my life right now?
  2. What am I excited about in my life right now?
  3. What am I proud of in my life right now?
  4. What am I grateful for in my life right now?
  5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
  6. What am I committed to in my life right now?
  7. Who do I love? Who loves me?

Evening Power Questions

  1. What have I given today?
  2. What did I learn today?
  3. How has today added to the quality of my life?
  4. How can I use today as an investment in my future?

Also, Sharon O’Connor has graciously given my listeners a special gift – and this is really good! Open the attached PDF for instructions for how to get Sharon’s guided imagery downloads.AnnmarieKelly.SharonOConnor.gift
womensadvant2014Also, you can still enter the drawing for a Woman’s Advantage 2014 Calendar. Just go to FB at Victorious Woman Project and click the giveaway button.
Finally, I stopped at Yori’s for the German Butter Cake and they were out. Seems that they make them every day but they go fast. Same thing used to happen at Yummie’s…so they must be good. So you either have to go early or call and have them hold one aside for you.
Thanks for being a Friday Happy Hour listener!

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