The Land of Charlotte’s Web!

blue hill fair - adventures in midlife

Saturday is laundry day. So Joseph and I traveled off the island and into the nearest town, Ellsworth. The laundromat got all new washers, which seemed like something good – until we found out there were new rules about the kind of soap and a bunch of other things. Mostly we just like to get in and get out, so dealing with the changes was annoying.

Once the laundry was finished, we drove about twenty miles south to the Blue Hill Fair. We stopped first in the town of Blue Hill at the Barncastle, a charming old house turned restaurant/bar for dinner and I had a Greek pizza with spelt dough. So good!

After dinner we went to the Blue Hill Fair. The fair is an annual event and one of those things we do every couple years. The Blue Hill Fair is huge! And it is “the” place to go over Labor Day weekend. There are all kinds of food vendors, some with very typical fair foods like fried dough and corn and other foods that are different – at least for me. There’s an incredible number of rides (3 ferris wheels!) and fireworks on some nights.

If you ever read Charlotte’s Web, you’ve been to it. When I first went I couldn’t believe how much it reminded me of that book. I later learned that author E.B. White was from Blue Hill and the fair was actually the one described in the book…pigs and all!

This year I got to the Zukerman’s and met Wilbur. Charlotte wasn’t around, but you know her, she was always in the background. Wilbur was the main attraction.

I also got to see cows, goats, lambs and so much more! Joseph and I got there too late for the hot dog pig race, ladies skillet toss, llama demonstration, horse pull and food cook-off’s and contests. But we did get to have some delicious strawberry shortcake and see one of the live bands. Playing tonight was James McMurtry and the Heartless Bastards.McMurtry is the son of the famous author Larry McMurtry.

He was a little dark for me, but the venue was packed – there wasn’t a seat in the house and even the hay-covered ground that was for the standing room only crowd was filled.

Going to the Blue Hill Fair is fun – fun seeing Wilbur, fun watching the kids, fun seeing the home-grown veggie competitors. It’s here that I get the greatest sense of what it’s like to live in this part of the world. It wouldn’t be for me (that, and the brutal winters) but the townies love it. And I love being part of it sometimes!

©AnnmarieKelly2014. All Rights Reserved.

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Victory by Design: Self-help book for midlife women transforming their lives

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  • September 25: Victory by Design Webinar
  • October 7: Kelly’s Café – Coaching Teleseminar – free. REGISTER HERE!
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What are the Maine Diaries?

The Maine Diaries is a fun look at my annual adventure to New England where I unwind from normal life and reconnect with myself.

I was captivated by the Maine Coast on my first trip there in the late 90’s. In the years since, I’ve traveled up and down the coast from Kittery to Calais but I spend most of my Maine time Downeast. I love the adventures I have and the chance to unwind from the world and restore my inner clarity. I chronicle my experiences in The Maine Diaries.

Maine Diaries

Every year Annmarie Kelly embarks on a trip to Maine where she reflects on her life, the years challenges and successes while seeking solace and adventure in the beautiful Northeast wilderness.

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