Tip#4: Who Makes the Holiday Special?


Want To Make This Holiday Special?
Carve out Time for the People you Really Want to See

How many times have you said “yes” to some obligation and then didn’t get to see or talk to the special people in your life? I’ll bet it’s happened more than you’d like to admit. This year make it different.
When you think about the holidays, you think about love and about how good it feels to share some time and energy with someone you care about and about whom you care. Who is it? A partner, a sibling, one of your kids or a friend. In this picture, it’s my cousins.
The older I get, the more of those love feelings I want in my life. And the more I’m willing to do something – and go out of my way – to connect with those people. Like my cousins or my friends.
At the same time, I’m less and less willing to do something – and go out of my way – to be with people who don’t make me feel that way. I have them in my life and you have them in yours. This season, let them go. Instead, focus on making time for the people who really count.
I have a friend who lives in California. We met when she lived in Delaware and, at the holidays and for our birthdays, we would meet for a special lunch. together. It’s been five years since she moved a coast away. Between both of us working on our own businesses and the time difference, it’s hard to get together. But we both make the effort.
About every 6-8 weeks, she and I make a date to talk. Usually, it’s her breakfast and my lunch. I mark our time on my calendar and block it off the same way I would if we were meeting for lunch.  On the appointed day, I’ll stop work a few minutes before the time. I make myself a cup of tea and, if I’m going to eat, I make some lunch.
If you want these holidays to be happier, try this:
  • Make a list of the people you most want to spend time with this holiday season
  • Schedule your time with them – even if it’s a phone call or you’re visiting using skype or facetime
  • Make a list of the things you most want to do
    Schedule your time with them
  • Once you schedule in the good stuff, keep those appointments

Something interesting will happen. Not only will you be feeling all kinds of happy, but you’ll be booked. So when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do, you’ll have a legitimate reason to say ‘no’ without guilt.
See more tips for Happier Holidays

Read more: Ten Tips for Happier Holidays.

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