Are you hesitant to ask for what you want? I hope Janet Williams gave you a shot of confidence and courage. Talking about the 7 Motivations and some of those techniques are were worth a try. I’ve used some of them and, yes, they work. A lot of it has to do with having the confidence, but as Janet says: You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get. Thanks to all of you who participated in the giveaway.
You can get Janet’s book deal (Special limited time only offer: “You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get” for $9.9) and also a 10% discount on writing/editing services for mentioning your show at
And I hope you’ll join me on the phone for my free teleseminar on Thursday, March 10, 1-2pm.
Register here: SavvySizzle “No Regrets” Toolkit
Also, today I broke the news that Pat Ciarrocchi is going to be my guest speaker at the 10th Victorious Woman Anniversary, at The Girlfriend Gala. Our beneficiary this year is the Home of the Sparrow 50+ program. If you want to join us, you can get early bird discount tickets here: 2016 Girlfriend Gala
Here’s that article about How Millennials Don’t Get Socialism.