We’re “Broadcasting Happiness” at this Friday’s Happy Hour with the woman who wrote the book on the subject, Michelle Gielan. This is the perfect pick-me-up for those mid-winter blahs!
Michelle is a national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher. She’s also the author of the bestseller Broadcasting Happiness, the Executive Producer of “The Happiness Advantage” Special on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course. Michelle holds a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.
Curious about what’s affecting your communications and your phone/tablet/PC? Check this out: Mercury Retrograde
I talked about my recent “unmasking my soul” conversation with Anumani, check it out here: Facebook Live
Annmarie is “live” every Friday, from 3-4pm EST.
Call-in: 610-701-9243
You won’t want to miss Happy Hour with Annmarie Kelly …and you don’t have to!
- In West Chester PA: turn your radio dial to 1520AM
- Anywhere in the world: listen online from at www.WCHE1520.com (click the microphone that says “listen live” – uses Windows Media Player).
- On your mobile devices at Tune-In Radio.Call-in: 610-701-9243
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