I worked this morning…aarrgghhh…

The Village Green
Bar Harbor ME

I worked this morning…and not that I wanted to, but because I had to do it.

I left work last week with two things not finished for my October workshop…both things are needed now because my staff can’t move forward without them. I could wait until I get home, but I’ve noticed that my brain typically stays in Maine about 10 days longer than the rest of me. Just catching up on emails takes a couple of days.

So, rather than squeeze myself then, the cottage became my office until midday. Though I wasn’t happy about it, it got done and I’m glad – both that it’s done and that it’s off my mind.

Afterward, we drove into Bar Harbor and walked around the town. The Village Green area always makes me feel happy. It’s not only well-kept but it reminds me of the old Bar Harbor -and I feel like I’m walking in the footsteps of history. 


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What are the Maine Diaries?

The Maine Diaries is a fun look at my annual adventure to New England where I unwind from normal life and reconnect with myself.

I was captivated by the Maine Coast on my first trip there in the late 90’s. In the years since, I’ve traveled up and down the coast from Kittery to Calais but I spend most of my Maine time Downeast. I love the adventures I have and the chance to unwind from the world and restore my inner clarity. I chronicle my experiences in The Maine Diaries.

Maine Diaries

Every year Annmarie Kelly embarks on a trip to Maine where she reflects on her life, the years challenges and successes while seeking solace and adventure in the beautiful Northeast wilderness.

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