Happy New Year!!
This morning I read a blog and the writer talked about her age at the start of the last decade, and how old she’ll be by the end of this decade…and feeling not as excited as her 20’s and 30’s counterparts. But then she listed the surprises this just-passed decade gave her. Sure, some weren’t happy, but life in her 60’s took interesting turns – taking her from a corporate desk job to her own speaking business and competitive dancing.
Whodathunk it? She surely wouldn’t have.
It’s true at twenty and thirty we look at a new decade with the excitement of the happy unknown. We think about getting married, having a career, buying a house, and having kids who will grow up healthy and make us proud.
As we get older, things happen. Some of that excitement gets tamped down. We might feel – as too many women have “confessed” to me – that they did all the “good girl” stuff and now want to know “Is this it? Is this all there is?”
Well this isn’t all there is. In fact, in a recent interview, Oprah, who turns 66 this month, said, “as long as there is breath, there is more.”
I’m a believer in more – I really believe as long as I’m still here, there’s more for me. So I’m in!
And I believe the same for you. In fact, if you’ve been a Victory Chick for a while, you know my “more” mantra: “be more of who you really are, do more that makes you happy, have more of the life you love living every day.”
You in?
If you are, what’s your “more?”
Do you want to start a business, get your MBA, travel to a “bucket list” location, get a promotion or a raise, be healthier, do a 5K, fix/do something about your marriage, find better balance, take acting classes, be a voice actor, become a model, write a book, focus more, be more present, work harder, play harder, return to an old hobby, get a new hobby, read 100 books, work by compass instead of clock…or something else?
Yes, I know “more” isn’t always easy. If it was, getting your more wouldn’t be as exciting. I mean, you can throw some store-bought pasta in boiling water for ten minutes, drain it, and pour some jarred gravy on it…and you have dinner.
Or, as the women I called the “pasta goddesses” do, they start with flour and water and then mix, knead, let the dough rest, cut, hang, and finally boil the pasta to perfection. It takes hours and way more work than opening up a box of Barilla. Wine helps.
However, when we finally sit down to the table, it’s a celebration. The work seems secondary amid the laughter and love. And, frankly, the work fades quickly but the memory of the festivity lingers…for years.
At the risk of being trite – OK, I’m being trite – it’s the journey that matters.
Which reminds me of Jean Otte. She was the very first woman I interviewed for Victorious Woman. Jean had a rough start and was a working mother at the time when prospective employers asked interview questions about what kind of birth control you used. She rose to the top of her field, breaking several glass ceilings. When Jean left her corporate job in midlife, instead of retiring, she followed her passion and started the WOMEN Unlimited company, teaching women how to maximize their talent and income.
In Victorious Woman, when I asked her what message she wanted to give women through her story, she talked about the “more” and said,
“It’s never too late to start a new journey; it doesn’t have to be a big journey, it can be a little one.
Just start it.”
So, are you ready to start a new journey? What have you been yearning to do? What’s pulling at your heart strings?
Whatever you’re thinking about…and even if you aren’t sure what it is, I can help you!
What are you waiting for?
A money-back guarantee?
If you do the work and aren’t satisfied with the class after the first two classes, I’ll give you your money back!
The Savvy Sizzle ‘No Regrets’ Master Class!
Four Tuesdays at 1PM
starting January 21
What’s included:
- 4 one-hour modules that you can watch & listen to over and over!
- Two 2-hour phone calls, curated to YOUR Goals & Obstacles, recorded live.
- A Private Facebook Group
- The Victory By Design E-Book!
Plus these bonuses:
- A 30-min private coaching session – one-on-one – with Annmarie Kelly
- Post Workshop Follow-Up Class.
- One Victory Circle
- 10% discount on any future classes, including The Five-Year Marriage®