Michele Scott joined us for the Friday Happy Hour to talk about how she took a far-fetched idea and turned it into a business she loves. The next Chester County’s Best Kept Secrets Tour is May 2-14. Tickets $8 each and $1 per ticket is donated to the Chester County Pet Food Pantry. Tickets are available online at ShopChesterCounty.com and at locations throughout the county (locations can be obtained by calling 484-551-5180 or by email to tickets@shopchestercounty.com)
Gina Harrison from Safe Harbor for the homeless stopped by for some Chick Chat. Before she left she wanted the Victory Chicks to know about Safe Harbor’s big fundraiser on April 26 at the Whitford Country Club.
Don’t forget: You victory chicks who have a story to tell about overcoming some challenge – like an illness, or abuse or some obstacle that was in the way of your dreams or happiness…don’t forget that this month you have the opportunity to tell your story and get some recognition for it – and maybe win a Kindle or a gift card from Bed, Bath & Beyond. Go to VictoriousWomanContest.com & get started.
And if you have something you want to tell me – about a show you liked or didn’t like or one you want me to bring to you on the air, you can always write to me and let me know at Annmarie@VictoriousWoman.com
Here’s today’s quote of the week: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman
What is the Victorious Woman Project?
Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.
blog: Victory Tips
An extensive listing of blog posts that help you take control of your life and live empowered. These articles are full of victory tips.>
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