May23 Happy Hour WrapUp

Hope you got to Happy Hour with me today! My guest today was Edwene Gaines. She had so many great things to say about developing a prosperity consciousness and, cheezlouise, she has a way of taking away every excuse you and I  can have for not living a bigger, bolder, more fulfilling life.
Here’s the book we talked about with Edwene: The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
If you want to learn more about Edwene Gaines, here’s how: Edwene Gaines Seminars, and Prosperity Products
Annmarie Kelly inspiring women at Girlfriend GalaAlso, I talked about The Girlfriend Gala, including:

Here are some pictures that webmaster Kris Contento-Angell took: Girlfriend Gala

Before the show ended, I took you on a little nostagia tour about St. Rita’s Church. And going to the National Italian Shrine of St. Rita for the St. Rita Feastsday. It was a tradition of my parents, who were born and raised in South Philadelphia and met and married at St. Rita’s. When I was a kid, my father would take me to the novena with him. I remember how he would run into his buddies, men who were his groomsmen, and have a few laughs with them. I only wish I was old enough then that I could remember now what they talked about. I wasn’t but I remember that they kidded each other and did a good amount of laughing.

Later on, after my dad passed, I’d take my mom to the novena and she would take me to the exact spot where she met my father….and she would sometimes drag whatever priest was around to that spot and tell him the story.

The novena mass starts with a procession that includes men carrying a statue of St. Rita down the center aisle and placing her on the side altar, sort of in front of the Blessed Mother statue. These pictures are of the procession and the altar adorned with hundreds of red roses. And, if you want to know more about St. Rita, patroness of the impossible, and patron saint of forgiveness and conciliation, here’s an article I wrote about her: Rita Lotti Mancini.

Next week my guest will be conservative columnist Christine Flowers. Hope you’ll join me!
In victory,

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