This Month: Stop the Self-Sabotage

toptenTreat Yourself to the Good Life:
Stop the Self-Sabotage

Are your sabotaging behaviors selling you short? I’ll bet they are. I see and hear it all the time, not just in my work with women, but in everyday conversations.
So this month I’m taking a look at self-sabotage – and what you can do to let it go so you can be the richest, fullest expression of who your really are.  I want that for you – and I want to help you be that woman!
Also, September is Strategic Thinking Month. Most women I know can comfortably and easily create strategies for everything from effectively running a meeting or overseeing a project at work to planning a wedding or holiday dinner. In fact, not only are they good at those things, they often they do both concurrently. Women are good strategic thinkers – except when it comes to themselves.
If you’re one of those women, chances are the reason you stink at thinking out your own personal strategies is because you’re really good at self-sabotage – sabotaging your life, your potential and your soul’s desire. So I’m asking you to put your strategic thinking skills to work for yourself this month and stop the self-sabotage. Check back all month for my take on each tip:

Top Ten Tips to Stop the Self-Sabotage

  1. Have your own big picture
  2. Benchmark your goals
  3. Stop apologizing
  4. Avoid Crippling Self-Talk
  5. Be Visible
  6. Be accountable
  7. Learn how to toot your own horn
  8. Let go of toxic relationships
  9. Seek constructive feedback
  10. Take care of yourself and your SELF

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