Tip#6: Laugh!!

Toddler With Arms OutstretchedTake a five minute laugh break every day

Whether it’s laughing at a TV show, a book, your kids or some silly memory, find something to laugh about and take the time to do it. Here’s why those FIVE MINUTES are important:

Physical Benefits:

  • Bumped up endorphins (the happy hormones)
  • Increased dopamine (the chemical that affects your emotion and sense of pleasure and pain – the more you have the better you feel)
  • Increased Relaxation

Emotional/Cognitive Benefits:

  • Improved ability to deal with stress
  • Increased creativity
  • Improved ability to solve problems
  • Enhanced memory (you won’t forget to get that thing you need for dinner)

That’s not all…but isn’t that enough? Five minutes is all you need right now – and you get a lot of bang for those five minutes.
Yes, I know you are busy. And, YES, you DO have FIVE MINUTES. You can find five minutes, even if it’s in your car and before you get out to go shopping or after you get in after shopping.
And, because you’ll forget, write “5 minutes” on a sticky and put it where you will see it.
Don’t forget…!
See more tips for Happier Holidays

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