‘Tis the Season…for HOLIDAY STRESS
Thanks to Michele Dunleavy for her tips to get more fun out of the holidays with less stress and be ready to hit the ground running (motivationally-speaking) in January. Here is Michele’s website: https://simplifyyourstress.wordpress.com
- I talked about two things that I thought would interest you:
The story of the Cuban Missile Crisis, as described by the Kennedys: John F. Kennedy Library - Places to see Christmas lights
If you know any other great places to see Christmas lights, post it at Victorious Woman Project on FB…and I’d love to hang out with you there: Victorious Woman Project While you are there, please “LIKE” me! Thanks!
My quote today is from Mary Ann Radmacher:
“May your walls know joy,
May every room hold laughter, and
May every window open to great possibility.”
and I’ll add another one…
May you enjoy the blessings of the Christ child
during this holiday season and into the new year!
Thanks for listening!
Next Week: Dawn Wells (Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island)