Ann Hoffman-Ruffner talked about her personal reinvention and what gets in the way of reinventing for many women – maybe you. In her work, Ann encourages women to choose courage over comfort and inspires them to live their one “wild and precious life” authentically with passion & joy. Ann uses her three decades of experience as a therapist along with her trainings through Brene Brown and Martha Beck to empower, energize and connect women worldwide to realize their dreams, live joyfully and positively transform the world. You can learn more about Ann and her upcoming retreat in Tuscany at
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Hate Your Job?
What if YOU Live to be 100? I hate my job and I hate working….
Melinda Emerson on the Friday Happy Hour
Does your midlife reinvention include starting your dream business? Or do you already have a…
The Woman's Advantage Calendar Giveaway!
Tell us the best and worst thing that happened to you in 2013 and you’ll…
Friday Happy Hour for 11/1/13
Meet Susan Baroncini-Moe, author of Business in Blue Jeans at the Friday Happy Hour. I…