This show is our psychic special!
Psychic Christi Cavallo will be doing mini-readings for almost the whole hour. You can call in any time. If the line is busy, call back. Here’s the call-in number: 610-701-9243
Christi Cavallo’s work for the past thirty years has been helping others find peace in their lives by answering their deepest questions, lending a guiding hand through their challenges and connecting to those who have passed. Her mission and purpose is to awaken each one of her client’s spiritual power and guide them through recognizing their own unique abilities and gifts. Check out her website: Christi Cavallo
Christi’s special: From now until June 3, you can get a BOGO reading with Christi. You can use it for you and a relative (or girlfriend or spouse), or give them both away as gifts. Go here: BOGO Christi and pay for the reading. You don’t have to have the reading this week, just pay for it and Christi will contact you to schedule the appointment.
Here are links for other things I talked about:
- Busy Redial on Verizon
- Pat Ciarrochhi and the Father Foley Award:
- Home of Sparrow’s Shared Housing and Pre-Senior Bridge Program
- Full-Spirited Flavours Liquor Cakes
- The Masters Baker