Everybody’s talking about “New Year New You” Resolutions. But you don’t need a NEW YOU. You worked hard to be who you are, right?
So ignore the NEW YOU stuff and go for BEST YOU.
What does your BEST YOU look like? What do you want for 2017? If you don’t know, how will you get it?
It’s like going to the bank with a blank check and asking them to cash it. The teller would look at you like you have six heads; s/he wouldn’t be able to do anything with it. If you really want some money from your bank account, you have to produce a check that’s made out to you for a specific amount.
Cashing a check at the bank is very similar to getting what you want in life. If you don’t tell the universe what you actually want, it can’t give it to you. When you want something more and better than you already have, you have to know what that means – MORE of what, BETTER how??
Find Clairity for YOURSELF!
If you don’t get clarity about your wants-needs-desires – your goals – who knows what zigzag path you’ll take or where you’ll end up. Maybe that’s already been happening to you. 2017 is the year to change that pattern.
Also, if you don’t have a big picture of what you want, how will you know when you get there?
How to Find your BIG PICTURE
Here are some ideas for how to get to your own big picture:
- Think about things that make you feel happy – what do they have in common?
- Think about what you don’t like now – what would be the opposite?
- Picture yourself living your best life…
- what are you doing?
- how do you look?
- how do you feel?
- who are you with?
- where do you live?
- what does your neighborhood look like?
- where are you working?
- what’s you office look like?
- how are you getting to work?
- what kind of car do you drive?
Don’t be concerned if you don’t know the answers off the top of your head. Brainstorm your ideas on paper, jot down some key words, tell yourself a “story” about your new life. Don’t edit…just go with it.
Then, cut out pictures and make a Vision Board. It doesn’t matter if what you’re dreaming seems impossible. Your picture will go through some refinements, but trust yourself. Eventually, you’ll whittle it down to exactly what you want.
And then you’ll make a plan. Once you have a plan, you’ll know what to do. And it will be easier to take action.
Even small changes can have big results! Now is the time to focus. Forget New Year New You. Instead, focus on your BEST YOU!
What’s YOUR big picture??
Need help? I can help you! Starting January 10…
I’m offering two Savvy Sizzle Workshops. One is in person in Wayne PA and the other is a teleseminar. Each one is five weeks and each one offers personal help in addition to the group. And, if you signup now, you’ll get an additional $200 off using the code VW2017
Check them out: