We all know Halloween as the day kids get dressed up to look like their dream person. Do they want to be a princess, pirate, clown, queen, vampire, Cleopatra, Lady Gaga? It’s fun for them to think about and it often takes weeks for them to decide. What about you?
It’s Halloween and I’m asking you the same question. What do you want to be?
If you could be anything you wanted – and time and money were no object – what would you be?
An entrepreneur, businesswoman, artist, sculptor, writer, corporate CEO, inventor…WHAT? I’ll bet it’s as hard for you as it’s been these past few weeks for the kids in your life.
In a transition or reinventing yourself?
So many of us are in some kind of transition and are reinventing ourselves. Maybe you are one of the many women who are returning to the workplace after a divorce, death, or empty nest? Or are your caregiving days behind you and you’re ready to ramp up your career so you can get promoted and/or make more money? Have you reached a professional peak and now want to paint?
In my Vision Board Classes, which I run a couple of times each year, I tell women they can have the life of their dreams. So they come looking “the magic”…but don’t know what they want. And if they – or you – don’t know what you want, you have no chance of getting it! And here’s the rub: if you aren’t leading your life in the direction of your dreams, someone else is probably doing it for you – and it’s toward their dreams that they’re taking you.
3 Tips to Figure Out What You Want to Be
If you aren’t sure what you want to be, here are three tips for helping you figure it out:
- Think back to past Halloweens. Was there a theme? Were you always someone with power? Were your costumes whimsical creatures? What does that tell you about yourself?
- –Look at magazines. Your local library and book store has hundreds of them. Walk the aisles and see what grabs you. Have you always liked decorating or baking – and you’re really good at it? Do you gravitate to the business section or finances? What jazzes you about the magazines you find? What does that tell you about your interests?
- If this was going to be your last year on earth, what would you regret not having done? Did you always want to get a college degree, but never got around to it? Have you always thought you’d be great doing something in the medical field – doctor, nurse, midwife, chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist? In Victorious Woman! I tell the story of Annie, the woman who made beautiful wedding gowns, who was dying. In her last months she regretted not opening up a wedding shop. Do you have something that burns deep inside, but you keep ignoring it?
So…what do you want to be?