You’re getting ready for a meeting. Somehow, you always seem to freeze up, have a hard time talking, and don’t get your point across. As a woman who has been there, I’ve learned a lot of things about dealing with ineffective communication and nervousness in the workplace.
Overcoming Anxiety in the Workplace
Here are a few things you can do that will help:
- What is the information?
- Tired and true information gathering: Who – What – When – Where – Why – How
- Who needs the information?
- How do they like to get it?
- Do they respond better when you talk in stories or in bullet points?
- What are my non-verbals?
- Am I speaking too softly to sound like I know what I’m talking about or too aggressively and people put up their barriers?
- Do I speak with my head up and shoulders back or am I so nervous that I crunch up?
- Am I looking at people eye-to-eye or avoiding their gaze?
- Who am I focusing on?
- Am I thinking about how well I’m doing and whether they like it, or me, fearing rejection – OR –
- Am I excited to have and convey information that others need/want
- Your focus can make the difference between shrinking away or speaking with confidence
Confidence is Key!
Going into your meeting armed with the right information and a confident attitude will make the difference between whether you are credible or should be ignored. Don’t let it be the latter.