Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Celebrate strong womenTen Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

A clean slate, an unwritten chapter, a brand new baby year. Whatever you call it, the New Year is a way of organizing time. As such, to many people – and maybe you too – it feels like an opportunity to make a fresh start. Even if you don’t make resolutions, you probably have thoughts about what you want, and want to happen, over the next 12 months.

Still, over the course of the next 12 months, life will have a way of getting in your way. When it does, all the hopes and good intentions you have now can easily find their way onto “someday I’ll.”

If you’ve spent more time than you’d like on “someday I’ll,” you can make 2015 different. You have the power – and nobody can take it from you. Here are ten tips for how to keep the momentum going throughout the year:

  1. Be clear about what you want (or want to change
  2. Write your resolution down and put it where you can see it
  3. Make a vision board
  4. Have a plan
  5. Take one action every day – no excuses – even little steps forward count
  6. Embrace change
  7. Master your personal power
  8. Build a victory team
  9. Stay focused on the end game
  10. Savor the moment

Happy New Year!

May 2015 bring you

health, happiness and abundant prosperity!

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