The weather cooled down and, normally, Joseph and I would be heading for an early morning hike. However, instead we’re going to the village of Northeast Harbor for a boat ride with friends Peter and Joan.
Joanie is one of Joseph’s clients who has become a friend. I met Joan through Joseph. We met Peter through Joan.
The story of Joan and Peter is sweet. The two were both married and knew each other from around town, but didn’t socialize. Then both of their spouses died in the same year, along with the spouses of two mutual friends. The four of them each felt lost and decided to east their grief by getting together weekly for dinner. After awhile, Joan and Peter became a couple

They spend most of the summer at Peter’s charming seaside cottage. It’s a place I would love to live in – and it’s the kind of place that finds itself into my “big dream” visualizations.
Peter is ninety-two years old. He’s sweet, kind and sharp as a tack! We should all hope to be in such good shape if we live to be that old! However, several years ago Peter stopped driving his boat. Instead, he hires Captain Rowan for that task. Rowan is about thirty years old, quiet and cute and competent – I feel pretty safe with him at the helm.

So, after Joseph and I had a homemade breakfast of scrambled eggs, we headed to Northeast Harbor. We found Joan and Peter waiting for us shoreside. As soon chatted our greetings, we headed for the boat where Captain Rowan waited for us.

We boarded the boat and, within minutes, we were enjoying the calm and peaceful waters of Somes Sound. During our trip we got to sea seals and birds and other sea creatures. In addition to God’s nature, we also have some fun checking out the houses of the rich and famous – people like Martha Stewart and Dick Wolf (Law and Order).
After the boat ride, Peter and Rowan had some business to do. So Joan, Joseph and I went to lunch at her swim club – where Joan still swims everyday she’s in Maine.
After lunch, we parted company. Joan went swimming and Joseph and I decided it was still early enough for a hike. We decided to go back to Thuya Gardens and find out what adventures Eliot Mountain had for us.
#Maine Diaries, #Annmarie Kelly