Not Your Mother’s Marriage Master Class

You thought your marriage would be different, better. But, more and more, it’s looking like your mother’s marriage. While that might have been good for her and her generation, it’s not what you want.

The truth is this: in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world, couples are faced with more and greater relationship challenges than any other generation.

The conventional commitment of “until death do you part” is unrealistic in a world where technology and random events seem to test even the steadiest of relationships.

If you don’t want to be stuck with the same old same old, playing the same odds and fighting an uphill battle for marital success, there’s good news for you.

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What is the Five-Year Marriage®?

Created by Annmarie Kelly, the Five-Year Marriage® is a concept of restructuring marriage agreements every five years to take into consideration external and internal changes happening to each person in the relationship. This periodic assessment of each person’s happiness, fulfillment, obligations and goals creates a safe space for each person to grow and change, together. The result is a relationship that grows stronger and more intimate over time. This collection of articles is a dep dive into the  different concepts proposed in the book, The Five-Year Marriage® and deserve a space for additional exploration and discussion.

Five Year Marriage

The Five-Year Marriage is a ground-breaking new concept for marriage. Every five year the couple spiritually ends one marriage and begins a new one - with new agreements and goals


Information about the latest workshops, webinars and teleseminars from Annmarie Kelly. Savvy Sizzle and Five-Year Marriage are the most popular

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