Five-Year Marriage® Featured on The Philadelphia Inquirer

“The first time Joseph said he’d like to marry her, Annmarie was overwhelmed with dread.

She loved him. He loved her. A marriage could ruin everything!”

I’m blown away by the beautiful job columnist Kellie Patrick Gates did on this article in today’s The Philadelphia Inquirer. She managed to capture the essence of the Five Year Marriage® and described my 7 marriages in the most loving way (which, if your read her column regularly, you know “loving” is her style). Thank you Kellie for featuring Joseph Eagle and me in this article!!

Read the full article here:

five-year marriage on the Philadelphia inquirer

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What is the Five-Year Marriage®?

The Five-Year Marriage® shifts marriage from “stuck forever” to “five years and renegotiate.” Doesn’t that make so much more sense? As the woman who’s been living marriage that way since 1988, I can tell you with certainty that it makes perfect sense – especially for women…and the men who love them.

My book, The Five-Year Marriage®: Shifting the Marriage Paradigm, will show you how to make it happen!

Five Year Marriage

The Five-Year Marriage is a ground-breaking new concept for marriage. Every five year the couple spiritually ends one marriage and begins a new one - with new agreements and goals

In Annmarie’s World

News and announcements that personally relate to Annmarie Kelly - award winning author, women's empowerment champion and podcast host.


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