SWOT Yourself

In the last post I asked you to day dream about the changes. This time my challenge to you is to pick a daydream, “paint” a mental picture of it and put yourself in the picture. Have fun with it, but pay attention to how you have to be different to be in the picture.
This month’s theme is change, so when you see the difference between your reality and your daydream, what’s different about you? Do you dress differently? Have a more professional demeanor? Are you less “nice girl” and more direct in your conversation? If you want something different in your life, you have to do something different. You need to be honest with yourself and recognize the gaps between where you are now and where you need to be to have a better life. One quick and easy way to do this is using the DiSC Personal Profile focused on your work life (see Sample DiSC Profile). Another way you can do that is with a personal SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunties-Threats):
In lieu of the DiSC, you can complete the following:

  • Strengths – I’m really great at __________________
  • Weaknesses – I need/want to be more effective at _____________
  • Opportunities – My greatest opportunity is _________________
  • Threats – My greatest obstacle is __________________

Once you complete the SWOT statements and then ask others for their thoughts and opinions.
Once you define your SWOT, use it to make positive changes. You can look for more opportunities for advancement and capitalize on your strengths to take advantage of them. For example, maybe you didn’t recognize how intuitive and tenacious you are but now that you see it more clearly, making a switch into product development or sales might seem like less of a risk.
But if your SWOT tells you that you usually see yourself as a victim or underdog, or are easily distracted and your greatest obstacle is dealing with details, then you’ve got something to work on so you can move in a better direction. That’s when you can begin to implement new strategies to circumvent those two sabotages.
This one exercise can turn things around and change your life!
If you have a question, ask it below and I’ll answer it in Kelly’s Café. If you want to use the DiSC Personal Profile, you can order it here:

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