Are you writing the script for your life, or is someone doing it for you? Adria Firestone thought she was having the best life – success, travel, love and more. It was all good until the day she crashed and burned. We’re talking about her journey back and how she decided to become the artist of her life – and how you can too.
Adria is Speaker & coach. She had an award winning international career in opera and music theater and became a life and career coach about a dozen years ago. Adria’s passion is to empower women personally and professionally. You can learn more about her here: Adria Firestone
You can find her book on You are the Artist of Your Life. Here’s Adria Firestone talking about #METOO
If you are interested in her special offer, you can go here: Adria’s Special Offer
- Tonight’s Blood Moon info. Here are two articles: and CNN
- Here’s a clip from the Fox News show Objectified
#AnnmarieKelly, #VictoryChicksRadio, #FridayHappyHour, #VictoriousWoman
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Happy Hour Radio is now available as a podcast on youtube! Catch up on past episodes & don’t forget to subscribe! Victory Chicks Radio Podcast.
#AnnmarieKelly, #VictoryChicksRadio, #FridayHappyHour, #VictoriousWoman