Want Some Romance?

Unexpected romance in cooperstown

You know how sometimes a story is just too good not to share.  This is one, and during this month where I’m making a point to focus on gratitude every day, I want to share this story with you.

I mentioned in my last newsletter that I’ve gotten especially fond of Cooperstown New York in the past few years. My favoritism started when I finally got to the Baseball Hall of Fame. I’ve been a life-long fan of the Phillies. Though they often break my sports-heart, I’m still a fan – both of the Phils and the game. And congratulations to the Atlanta Braves for winning the World Series this week (that last game was amazing!).

Honoring Strong Women

The Baseball Hall of Fame is a fabulous experience. I’m particularly fond of the display dedicated to the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League – the league immortalized in the movie A League of Their Own – which always makes me cry.

Adventure in our Relationship

So it was baseball that first got me to Cooperstown, but it’s the town’s charm that keeps me going back. This year’s trip, however, had a special high point, and one that gave me a memory for which I’ll be always grateful to have.

Celebrating the Third Anniversary of our 7th Marriage

It started when Joseph and I wanted to do something special to celebrate the third anniversary of our 7th marriage. We made the reservations before Joseph’s surgery for prostate cancer. It was “something special” to look forward to after recovery.

That Friday, Joseph and I left mid-morning, looking forward to a relaxing drive to upstate New York and a beautiful fall weekend, one that included dinner at a personal-favorite casual-dining Cooperstown restaurant. However, the drive was anything but relaxing. In fact, thanks to Waze-lady directions, it turned out to be uncharacteristically hard and long.

Our Anniversary Was Off to a Rough Start

As a result, we arrived at the B&B feeling agitated and with just enough time to catch our breath, change our clothes, and walk the few blocks to Main Street where we had dinner reservations at Alex’s World Bistro restaurant.

Once there, we walked down a small alleyway to the side-door entrance. I know, that doesn’t sound great, but it’s part of the bistro’s uniqueness. However, when we got there, a sign on the door read “takeout only.”

HUH? We had reservations – made two days earlier.

Confused, Joseph and I went in and found the restaurant empty. We heard voices from the kitchen and called back to get someone’s attention.

The Worker Shortage Impacts our Romantic Dinner Plans

After a few tries, Chef Josh came out to the front. He apologetically explained that there was a problem. Turns out that the “front person” quit that morning and, when he walked out, the entire wait staff went with him. So the best Chef Josh could do was give us take-out..

We must have looked pretty sad and forlorn, because we were. The few restaurants in town that were open were already booked. And it was our anniversary…

A Kind Deed Creates an Awkward Situation

Chef Josh must have felt sorry for us and said we could stay – as long as we ordered from the front and sort of serve ourselves. We agreed, partly because it was the only game in town (OK, yes, there is a pizza joint down the road, but as I said, it was our anniversary…), but also because Chef Josh’s food is actually that good.

So Joseph and I sat down at a small table for two – one we’d sat at on a previous trip. Then we watched several people come in to get their takeout orders. I think we all realized at the same time that other takeout guests wouldn’t be happy if they came to pick up their food and saw us eating inside. Now what?

Quick Thinking Leads to a Magical Night

Instead of kicking us out with some takeout in hand, Chef Josh spirited us up to the small second-floor dining area. There were only a few tables, mostly for larger groups. Joseph and I laughed at how we were getting a special “private dining” experience. It felt a little naughty – like the Barbara Streisand/Omar Sharif restaurant scene in Funny Girl.

We didn’t know what to expect until Chef Josh sent his best friend, Joseph, to wait on us. Joseph’s real job is at a hospital, but that night he was helping out his buddy and, as a result, became our personal server.

Joseph and I were giddy with thanks as server Joseph brought us drinks (the Lemon Song cocktail was amazing), then appetizers. Next, as we waited for our entrees, the guys turned on some sweet Michael Bublé music. Of course, we couldn’t help but get up and dance.

Staying Postivie & Focusing on our Goal – Romance

The night was near-perfect, and Joseph and I were happy. After all, we could have been complaining about the rotten ride up, the way-tiny room at the pricey B&B, or we could have walked into the restaurant and started complaining about the takeout. We didn’t. It was our 3rd anniversary and our goal and our focus was having some romance. We got it!

Dinner ended with a fabulous dessert adorned with a lit candle and presented in person by Josh and Joseph (who may have been more excited than us). It was surely a magical night, a keepsake for the memory book.

Gratitude & Focus: The Five-Year Marriage helps you with both

Since that knocked-it-out-of-the-park night (can’t resist the baseball reference – Cooperstown after all) I’ve been thinking about thanks, and focus. I’ve been appreciating how much of the structure of the five-year marriage lends itself to creating “the good stuff.” Also, the “fresh start” of each of our five-year marriage contracts enables us to get past the ugly stuff that happens in every marriage – in spite of love – you know, the problems that bubble up simply by living together and dealing with life’s changes together.


If you’re in a relationship now, are you missing those old romantic feelings? I get that. It’s hard.

Maybe your Relationship Needs a Fresh Start

I can testify to the fact that a fresh start works and it makes a difference. And I want to help you get one, and get those feelings back during my FREE “Relationship Reset” webinar. It’s on December 2 from 4-5pmEST.
During the webinar, I’ll show you

  • THE BASICS: what the relationship reset is about
  • THE PLAN: the “what to say” and “how to do it” for getting your reset started
  • TIPS: Four easy get-the-romance-back tips that will start to “soften the soil” that may have grown hard between you two.
  • Q&A: Just in case I missed something you need to know

Here’s where to register: FREE RELATIONSHIP WEBINAR

Listen, you and I know that December is often a stressful month for relationships. It’s why January is often referred to as “divorce month” by relationship experts. Not that you’re there…but a little sparking from time to time is good prevention, and quite a bit of fun!

So what are you waiting for – click this link now and get on the list. I’m making the replay available to you ONLY if you’re registered. So…do it  FREE WEBINAR

If you have questions, you can reach me at Annmarie@annmarieKelly.com and we can set up time for a 15-minute chat.

Have a fun fall and a Happy Thanksgiving!

And, btw, in my gratitudes this month, I’m including YOU. Thanks for being in my circle!

With love and in victory,

P.S. A FAVOR…if you know someone who would be interested in knowing more about a Relationship Reset, would you forward this to her or him with a suggestion to register for the free webinar? I’d very much appreciate it!!! They will too!

Take Your Relationship Even Further with the Five-Year Marriage®

Feel like your relationship needs a bit more help? You and your partner CAN LEARN how to solve problems and adjust to life’s changes together!

I explain, step by step, how to do exactly that in my book The Five-Year Marriage® – grab a copy from Amazon to learn how.

OR, if you prefer a more guided approach, I’m offering the Beginners Guide to the Brilliant Bad-Ass Marriage starting October 5 – stay tuned for more info.

What People are Saying About the Five-Year Marriage®

tamron hall show
growth marriage Nate Bagley's review of five year marriage

I know how the past year has challenged you – body, mind, and soul. But there’s good news – the future is what you make it! So it’s time to look forward to better days. And you can start RIGHT NOW. 

Who is Annmarie Kelly

I’m an award-winning author, speaker, and lifestyle victory strategist. I’m also the founder of The Victorious Woman Project, the empowerment resource for midlife women looking to make a change in their life or their relationships. Check it out…it’s full of helpful and inspiring articles, interviews with fabulous women who have been there and done that, and also classes and other tools that will help you find and nourish your inner spark. Oh…and that’s also where you can get one of my inspiring and motivating self-help books. Victorious Woman: Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal VictoriesVictory by Design, and marriage game-changer, The Five-Year Marriage: Shifting the Marriage Paradigm.

Connect with Annmarie, the Five-Year Marriage & Other Strong Victory Chicks!

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What is the Five-Year Marriage®?

Created by Annmarie Kelly, the Five-Year Marriage® is a concept of restructuring marriage agreements every five years to take into consideration external and internal changes happening to each person in the relationship. This periodic assessment of each person’s happiness, fulfillment, obligations and goals creates a safe space for each person to grow and change, together. The result is a relationship that grows stronger and more intimate over time. This collection of articles is a dep dive into the  different concepts proposed in the book, The Five-Year Marriage® and deserve a space for additional exploration and discussion.

Five Year Marriage

The Five-Year Marriage is a ground-breaking new concept for marriage. Every five year the couple spiritually ends one marriage and begins a new one - with new agreements and goals

In Annmarie’s World

News and announcements that personally relate to Annmarie Kelly - award winning author, women's empowerment champion and podcast host.


Archived newsletters from relationship guru and women's empowerment champion Annmarie Kelly. Get exclusive discounts and hear about her latest webinars and events.

relationship advice

Advice from award winning author Annmarie Kelly. Her approach is to empower both people in a relationship so that no one is left behind.

The Five-Year Marriage: Shifting the Marriage Paradigm

Posts and articles about the revolutionary book, The Five-Year Marriage by Annmarie Kelly.

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