In spite of reports of an impending snow storm in the Northeast, today is the first day of spring. Yay! It wasn’t a bad winter, but isn’t spring, with all its yummie bursts of pinks and yellows and greens, always a welcome site after the dull, colorless winter?
About spring, Seat of the Soul author, Gary Zukav, said, “The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.”
I recently interviewed psychologist Barbara Wasserman. She’s been interviewing women in their 80’s and 90’s. She’s surprised to find they are filled with regrets. So she asks them what advice they have for younger women.
According to all these ladies, when they were in their 50’s,60’s and 70’s, they lived as though their time was short. So they didn’t challenge themselves to start something big, take risks, pursue their passions or follow their dreams. They didn’t know they had 20, 30, 40 more years – plenty of time to do anything they wanted.
Their advice, across the board, is not to follow in their footsteps. They don’t want you to get to 80 or 90 years and regret all the things you didn’t do, now at your age.
With that in mind, today you have a choice – a “no regrets” choice. When your spring comes to wake, nurture and revitalize you, you can choose the spring that comes on the calendar or the spring you create in your spirit, in every minute of every day.
Which one will you pick?