You’re likely quarantined at home with your partner, making clear, honest and open communication more important than ever.
If you missed this information on our social media channels, you can catch up here:
Watch: Unspoken Agreements in a Relationship
What are unspoken agreements and how to talk about them:
Don’t Live Silently in an Unhappy Relationship!
In No Sound, No Fury, No Marriage, Ms. Pritchett described her twenty year marriage of silence. Many people STILL do this today – but you don’t have to stay silent. You CAN speak up! Read more: https://annmariekelly.com/2016/12/15/five-year-marriage/
Haven’t Times Changed For Women and for Marriage?
Why haven’t we evolved more in our 21st century than in the 3rd, 14th or 20th centuries? Can only women nurture? And can only men fulfill their goals and follow their dreams? Of course not!
What do you want in a Marriage?
Establishing common values is essential for the longevity of a relationship. When you both know what you want when you start out, and then you consciously focus on how your values and goals change with over time you have a greater opportunity to develop maximum intimacy. Read more: https://annmariekelly.com/2013/05/17/101/

PSA – Open Communication is Key to a Happy Relationship
People in healthy relationships communicate with each other in an open and honest way. They do not use words to hurt each other.
Is it Time to Abandon Traditional Marriage?
Are traditional dating rituals messing up marriage for today’s professional women? https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/if-you-want-marriage-equals-then-date-equals/606568/
Don’t be afraid to speak up. Here’s some tips.
Ever feel like you’re taking to the wall instead of your spouse, partner, kids, or co-workers? It’s happened to all of us…but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to speak to be heard, here are four tips:
- Be clear about what you want – fuzzy thinking creates vague speech that gets dismissed
- Speak with definiteness of purpose – being choppy in the way you say it undermines your power
- Using a firm “I need” or “I want” will get more positive attention than saying “You should” or “You have to”
- Stay positive but not syrupy
If you find those things hard, like anything else, the more you practice the better you get.
Bonus tip: Toastmasters is a great place to get practice in a safe environment. Find your local club at toastmasters.org
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