Mid-life: Strong is the New Skinny

_MG_6587 copyFriday Happy Hour

We have 2 very special guests for This Friday’s Happy Hour.  Join me along with Kelley Connors, MPH, who is the founder of an on-line community and on-line radio show called Real Women on Health (RWoH).  RWoH is all about empowering women to be their own best health and wellness advocates. She’s telling us about how, for women in midlife, Strong is the New Skinny! We’ll highlight and discuss how when our brain is healthy everything else from the head down can more easily join in.GD Image_Annmarie Kelly Radio Show
Also, joining me for Chick Chat, is Sharon Kelly Hake.  Sharon launched Great Dames, Inc which helps women leaders bring skills and passion to their personal, professional, and community service lives.  Sharon empowers women to make their mark and find their voice while rediscovering their purpose through mentoring, workshops and events.  It’s all about legacy creation!!!
Tune in Friday February 21 at 3pm! If you’re local to West Chester PA, tune into AM Radio 1520. If not, listen in at www.WCHE1520.com
Special offer to Happy Hour listeners:  Sharon Hake wants to introduce you and a friend to the Great Dames Spring series tickets with a BUY ONE GOT ONE 50% off. That means you can bring your daughter or mentee or special friend for half price! 
HURRY! This offer is available to only the first 10 people who send their name and contact info to info@great-dames.com

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What is the Victorious Woman Project?

Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.

blog: Victory Tips

An extensive listing of blog posts that help you take control of your life and live empowered. These articles are full of victory tips.

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