Radio Wrap-Up: MidLife Reinvention

AnnmarieKelly.WCBM..webTalk about a mid-life reinvention!

Gloria Hoffner really figured out a way to make the most of her reinvention after getting laid off!

Gloria Hoffner is the owner of Guitar with Gloria and Science for Seniors, trademarked activity program for independent, personal care, long term care and dementia communities. A graduate of Temple University, Gloria is a columnist for Creative Forecasting magazine and website. Her book, Science for Seniors, is the 2013 winner of the Mature Media Merit Award. Gloria’s website is You can get her book, Science for Seniors, on the website. And, if you buy it this month,  Gloria’s special offer is a free copy of my ebook – Feeding the Calendar Monster – with new ideas for activity programs in music, art, sports, literature and more. Next week Gloria’s presenting a live Science for Seniors webinar at 1 p.m., August 13th for the National Association of Activity Professionals.
Here are links to the topics I talked about today:

Today’s quote was from Maria Robinson, the author of books about early childhood development. She said,

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

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