Breaking through in MidLife
Breakthrough expert Kathy Caprino joined me for Happy Hour and we had some fun talking about six blocks that could be stopping us midlife women from having the life we’ll love living. Here’s a quick summary.
- if you aren’t getting where we want to go, there is some kind of conflict between that and what we believe is “good, right and true.”
- Shaken confidence and faltering self-esteem that prevents us from seeing our value both in getting paid and getting respect.
- Self-doubt – doubting that we have the smarts, talent or experience to get what we want
- Being culturally raised that it’s not good or right to stand out or to shine.
- Believing that we can’t follow our passion. We teach our kids to do just that, but we don’t. We talked about this earlier, but do you have one more tip for women who think they can’t or shouldn’t?
- Thinking you must chuck everything and leave your old career totally behind to be happy.”
Learn more about the Breakdown Breakthrough
Find out more about Kathy’s book, Breakdown Breakthrough, her online course and her weekly podcast on her website: Kathy Caprino
Kathy suggested a TED Talk, here’s the link: Amy Cuddy
Take action and Start YOUR Breakthrough
I announced my fall class line-up. I’m offering two courses between now and Thanksgiving: Savvy Sizzle: Seven Steps to Your Marvelous Midlife Makeover and Listen to Me: Powerful Communication Tips for Women. You can learn more about both courses at Victory U.
Empowerment Quote of the Day
My quote for today is one that I found online with no known author, but I love the sentiment.
“You can break down a woman temporarily,
but a real woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself
and come back stronger than ever.”
That’s the stuff of our conversations every Friday, 3-4pm, at the Friday Happy Hour. Thanks for coming to Happy Hour today and please come back next Friday, 3pmEST,