Hi Victory Chicks & Happy Halloween!
Can you believe we’re heading into the final stretch of 2021 and welcoming crisp fall these days – though here in PA it still feels a bit like summer. I’m expecting soon we’ll be seeing those fabulous crisp fall days, and (I hope) some good fall foliage.
However, much like the summer that is hanging on, can you believe we’re still talking about covid? And what about people are back to hoarding toilet paper? That always makes me laugh, although – honestly – it wasn’t funny in April 2020 when I couldn’t find any on the store shelves (except the very thin rough stuff J)
Still, before we know it, hoarding or not, the holidays will be here. Then we’ll turn the page into 2022.
You and I know it’s next to impossible to focus in the midst of holiday rushing and celebrating. So NOW is a good time to stop and ask: what was 2021 like for you?

For me, 2021 was a lot about cancer – visiting doctors and radiologists and long talks with Joseph about treatments and the future.
Joseph had surgery in July (this is us leaving the hospital the day after surgery) and, though still dealing with some of the after-effects of surgery, he’s in good shape and back to work full time. Also, we knew by August that the cancer hadn’t spread outside the prostate, but we held our breath until this week when we found out his PSA test came back at .02% – yayyyyyy!!
BTW: I’m saying it again…if the men in your life who are over 45 aren’t getting a PSA test annually, do whatever you can to get them to get the very simple blood test. It could save their life!
For me personally, in 2021, it’s been about my voice. The doctors send me for tests, and all is good, so they can’t figure out what’s what. Lately, and because I think voice issues have to do with stress (feeling powerless, e,g, over covid confinement and cancer), I moved toward non-traditional solutions. I’ve had a few sessions of cranial work and have seen improvement. So I’m looking forward to being back in full voice soon.

With covid, cancer, and voice issues mostly out of the way, I’m looking toward 2022. There are a few things like cancer (or covid confinement) to get you focused on what you still want to do in life.
Frankly, Joseph and I had many of those conversations this year. At first, they were stressful because there were so many questions marks. However, once the surgery was over and we knew the cancer hadn’t spread, and my tests were coming back negative, the tone of our conversations shifted. The more we talked, the clearer we got about what we want to do – in business, personally, and together – over the next 15 months or so, and how we need to get there.
As a result, we both signed up for courses to facilitate our business goals; they start later this year. And, though I struggled and resisted at first, I’m getting better at zoom classes – learning how to make the online experience as close to in-person as possible…even when I’m missing the in-person energy and happy faces.
On the personal side, less TV and more physical exercise is the thing. I’m thinking about going back to yoga classes. And I miss ballroom dancing, and now that they may be starting again, I may go back to those classes.
Also, Joseph and I are rethinking vacations. After years of hiking in Acadia National Park and loving Mt. Dessert, we are thinking of staying more south next year (coastal southern Maine or Massachusetts). We’ve visited both places, but now we’re thinking we want to explore them. Or Cooperstown New York. It’s where Joseph and I spent our 3rd anniversary (of our 7th marriage) in September. I’ll tell you more about the “magical” dinner we had there next month, but in the past few years I’ve fallen in love with Otsego Lake and Glimmerglass Park (pictured here), and the fire pit on the lake at the Otesaga Hotel. Meanwhile, Joseph could spend days at the fabulous breweries.
And, presuming the world opens up again sometime – we’ll go to either Scotland or Italy in the next few years…or maybe both.
What are your plans for 2022?
- What you want to do with your work? Do you want to make more money, get a promotion, or change careers?
- What’s fun for you now, and how can you do more of whatever that it – every day or every week?
- What vacation spot have you always wanted to visit – or revisit?
- Do you need more exercise, relaxation, social life, happy hours, or golf/tennis/pickleball?
- If you’re heading for retirement, how do you want that to be? Do you need to save more money? Volunteer in the arts? Go someplace for the winter…or summer?
- If you’re an empty nester, or coming through a rough patch with your spouse, do you need to reset your relationship? A clean slate and a fresh start can be the answer.
While you could wait until January is in your face and you feel pressed to make “resolutions” that don’t work out, let me help you get started now.
Here’s how:
- The next Savvy Sizzle Masterclass is starting on January 11
- Join me for a free one-hour webinar on November 2 at 1pm eastern, 10am pacific. I tell you the 3 secrets for getting your Savvy Sizzle started for 2022. Register here: https://annmariekelly.com/victorious-woman/free-teleseminar-savvy-sizzle/
- The Relationship Reset Masterclass is starting on January 6
- Get your relationship reset started with a free one-hour webinar on December 2 at 4pm eastern, 1pm pacific. I’ll be sharing the 3 critical elements of your relationship reset – and they could make your holiday season ever-better! Register here: https://annmariekelly.com/five-year-marriage/30-day-relationship-reset-free-webinar/
Don’t let life and relationship ghosts and goblins ruin your holidays and steal your joy in the new year! Get yourself on track for a fabulous new year NOW! Join me on November 2 or December 2 (and your sweetie is welcome) so you can get your future started now!
If you have questions, you can reach me at Annmarie@annmarieKelly.com and we can set up a time for a 15-minute chat.
Have a fun fall and a Happy Halloween!
With love and in victory,
P.S. A FAVOR…if you know someone who could use some Savvy Sizzle or a Relationship Reset, would you forward this newsletter to her or him with a suggestion to register for the free webinar? I’d very much appreciate it!!! They will too!
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