Happy Holiday Greetings!!

happy holidays from annmarie & joseph

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about jump starts. It’s a popular term that’s loved by many of us in the teaching/coaching world. And for good reason. The dictionary defines a jump-start as “to impart fresh or renewed energy to something.”

FRESH. RENEWED. I like that. Don’t you?

As I’ve been talking to women over the past few months, I’m hearing a lot of what I’ve started to call “psychological long covid” – the tired residue of months of social deprivation and those stupid blue masks (which are still mandatory in many places). Like you and me, they’ve grown tired of covid, and politics, and endless waiting…for doctor appointments, store shelves to be fully stocked, service almost everywhere (slowed due to lack of staff) and more. We want life to get back to normal, but we aren’t even sure what “normal” is anymore.

Of course, “normal” – either the old one or a new normal – is what you make it. You created your normal in the past, and it changed as you changed.

If your old normal isn’t possible anymore, choose a new one (vs letting it choose you). If you have a health issue, grieving a loss, navigating a new job, or location, or financial situation – whatever it is – find the space where you have control. Maybe it’s creating a new morning routine that you love, joining a new weekly group that focuses on an old or new hobby, or creating a new meditation practice. Whatever it is, make it your own.


Your Personal Jumpstart

Are you ready for it? If your jumpstart is about you alone, here are three questions that will help you get it started by figuring out how this year mattered to you.

  • What did I LOVE about 2022?
  • What did I learn?
  • What do I want more of in 2023?

The answer to each of those questions will become your jumpstart blueprint. Here’s how:

  • What you loved…will make you feel good and inspire ideas for more of the same
  • What you learned…will help shape both your confidence (“I took a risk and surprised myself”) and your boundaries (“I won’t do that again”)
  • What you want more of…will give you a clearer focus on goals that will make you happy and keep you motivated

Your Marriage Reset Jumpstart

What if your jumpstart is about your relationship? Here are the “big three” questions I give couples:

  • What did we do together that went really well, that we’re proud of?
      —  It’s always better if you start with pats on the back and a reminder that you are a team!
  • What didn’t go so well, and how could we have made it better?      —  Do you need something you didn’t have this year, like outside help, or better problem-solving skills, or more kindness toward each other? 
  • What do we want to do – together – in the new year?

Start there, and then try something that I love for couples: the “Marriage Reset Curiosity Conversation” (a free download). It’s designed to get you two back in touch with yourself and with each other. At the very least, it’ll give you two some interesting conversation.

Let me know how either of these Q&As (or both) work for you at Annmarie@AnnmarieKelly.com. I LOVE hearing from you!

I’m Counting down the Days

woman empowered

My favorite day of the year is December 21st…the shortest day of the year, and the last one with so little sun. The very next day starts the beginning of more sun – one minute a day. By my January birthday, it’s a whole 30 days brighter. By Valentine’s Day, it’s a whole hour brighter.
If you’re one of my SADD sisters: you have a few days to plan something – a lunch, happy hour, solstice walk or something fun – to celebrate the winter solstice and the end of the dark days. Do it and have fun!

BOGO for you

Victorious Woman Shaping Lifes Challenges into Personal Victories

Are you looking for a great woman-gift for under $20?
Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories is just the thing. And, between now and December 12, for every hard copy you purchase, I’ll give you one free hard copy – for you or another woman. Just email me at Annmarie@AnnmarieKelly.com and I’ll send you a PayPal link. Complete the purchase and the books will be on your way.

Something for the young single woman or couple

Know a young professional woman, or a couple who is getting married, is pre-engaged, or living together? They absolutely need a copy of The Five-Year Marriage: Shifting the Marriage Paradigm. It’s loaded with great conversation-starters and things couples need to talk about – before saying “I DO”.

Ruth got a copy for her almost-thirty daughter who is dating but not so interested in the ’til-death commitment of traditional marriage. She got it not just because it’s non-traditional, but also because “you make people think about what’s important in a marriage…it’s like a guidebook.”

And, just recently, a newly-divorced Kathleen told me, I wish I’d have read this 3 years ago when my marriage was still worth saving.”

Here’s the Amazon link to order: Five-Yea Marriage

Fix your marriage

Victory Circles

I’m starting a new Victory Circle for women in January. The Circles will start via zoom on January 12, for 6 weeks. Cost is $595. If you’re interested, send me an email and we’ll schedule a time for a (free) 15-minutes Discovery Call: Annmarie@AnnmarieKelly.com with Discovery Request in the subject line.

That’s it for me for this year!

I’m wishing you a
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukah
and a
very happy, healthy, blessed New Year

With love and in victory,

Btw: If you like what you read here, and you think someone you know will benefit from reading it, please forward this to that friend, relative, or colleague. THANKS!!

women's empowerment coach

Who Is Annmarie Kelly?

Annmarie Kelly is a teacher, relationship coach, author, and the architect of The Five-Year Marriage. You can learn more at annmariekelly.com. And, for some weekly inspiration, join Annmarie’s private Facebook group, The Victory Chicks Community.

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What is the Victorious Woman Project?

Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.

blog: Victory Tips

An extensive listing of blog posts that help you take control of your life and live empowered. These articles are full of victory tips.

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