When I was younger and trying to get my life in order, I spent a lot of time feeling like I was always going in circles and getting nowhere in the process. Much of my life was frustrating and I often felt like a victim of “the system.”
At one point in my late twenties, and as a combination of both spiritual development and scientific understanding, I started to see that everything works within a system. When I wanted to get something done, if I used the system, things worked.
When I was financially under water, I saw a system could be applied to talking to banks or credit card companies, including being, getting names, asking for help and talking to supervisors. As I got out of debt, I understood the “pay yourself first” system of putting some money way every paycheck. I found that using coupons and banking the coupon savings, I could buy a mini-vacation. When I first used the DiSC Personal Profile, I saw a system for communicating more effectively. When I went back to college, there was a system in place that enabled me to get credits faster and for less cost (CLEP tests).
Finding a system means looking at the strategies that make up the system.
What is the Victorious Woman Project?
Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.
blog: Victory Tips
An extensive listing of blog posts that help you take control of your life and live empowered. These articles are full of victory tips.>
Articles that reveal and share unique insights about empowerment. Read these and find new perspectives and interesting approaches to common issues.>
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