Finding Your Holiday Happy Place:
Your Three Favorite Holiday Memories
You know how sometimes you feel so good that nothing can aggravate you? That’s the idea behind this tip about Holiday Happy Places.
You know you want to be happy and peaceful this holiday season.
But what can you do? That guy keeps beeping his horn in the intersection, the kids won’t stop screaming or your boss just asked you to add one more thing to your already packed to-do list. You just want to scream.
In spite of your best intentions, sometime this holiday season you’re going to be in crowds or in a traffic jam and thrown in with people who the epitome are of bah humbug.
So get ready for it now. Here’s how:
- Write down three memories that always put a smile on your face.
- Write them down.
- When you are in that bad situation, intentionally move your mind to one of those memories.
- When you do, really get into it. Paint a picture. Remember…
- where you were
- who was with you
- what you were wearing
- how it felt (this one is especially important!) and
- any other thing you can…and stay there until either the event is over or your mind has shifted.
- Keep the list in your wallet…just in case you could be standing in a line behind somebody who can’t find their happy place!
Your mind can only entertain one set of thoughts at a time. You can’t be miserable with a smile on your face (a sincere smile, that is). Go ahead…try it and be amazed!
Read more: Ten Tips for Happier Holidays.