Mid-Year Tune-Up for Your 2016 Goals

empowerment lessons from tortoise and hare
Tortoise and Hare bethmusicnotes

Ever feel like your goals need a tune-up?

I do! And, for me, it’s now!

It was just after the July 4th weekend when I did a personal mid-year check-up. I found myself falling short on this year’s goals. I needed a kick in the butt.

As I thought about it, I started thinking that if I, who am good at achieving my goals, am in this boat in July, I’m guessing the Victory Chicks in my Victory Chicks Community are too.  So I decided to host a fee-free teleseminar at the end of the month so we can all get back on track.

Tune Up Your Goals by Focusing on One Element

One of the things I’ll be talking about is picking just one thing. I’m focusing on that first because (1) it’s my own personal greatest goal-achieving foible and (2) multiple goals (an off-shoot of multi-tasking), is what women tell me is their problem.

Here’s the thing: if you have too many goals, you don’t focus on any one. So you’re busy doing multiple tasks, but never finish enough of the steps to actually reach a goal. That’s when you say, “yeah, I started doing that, but I only got halfway finished.” And that’s because, when you don’t focus on just one goal, you are easily distracted. In a survey I did with women last year, distractions were listed as the #1 reason for not achieving your goals or fulfilling your needs and desires.The first glint of that shiny penny out of the corner of your eye and you’re off to the races with it.

It’s almost like the tortoise and the hare. I know that the “slow and steady wins the race” fable, but think of it another way: The hare is like you at the beginning of the year when you list a bunch of “New Year, new me” goals. You’re excited, you’re really motivated and get a good strong start. It’s the “New You” and you’re on your way.
But, much like the hare in the fable, you wear yourself out and decide to take a break.After all, you’ve worked hard and this other (shiny penny) thing looks like fun. And you deserve a little fun, right? So you take a break.

Lesson from the Tortoise

Before you know it, you notice that the people around you who, like to fabled tortoise, focused on just one goal, and took one step after the other, have gotten ahead of you. By now the fruits of their labor are starting to show. They completed their goal or are so well on their way that you get discouraged (and maybe a little envious).

If you recognize that experience (I certainly do for myself!), then consider this: Maybe there isn’t enough jazz in that goal to keep you going. What I mean is, did you do the What’s In It For Me (WII-FM) part? There’s a direct relationship between behavior, emotion, and understanding and how your brain functions. It’s called neuropsychology.  The success of every single goal rests on the answer to the WII-FM question. You need to have a laundry list of WII-FM’s and you need to look at that list every day.

Interested in revising your plan to achieve your goals? Need Help getting back on track? Register here: Savvy Sizzle: Your Goals – Tune-Up

If you’re reading this after July 28, sign up for my free newsletter so you;ll know when I’m having my next teleseminar and all my upcoming workshops.

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