Hi Victory Reader,
This Victory Update is packed because there’s been a lot happening at The Victorious Woman Project these past few months! First of all, we had wonderful entries this year for the Victorious Woman Contest. Thanks and Kudos to everyone who entered and CONGRATULATIONS to contest winners Erin Connell, Paula Whittaker & Anne Lawrence. Read their stories to find out what makes these women SO VICTORIOUS!
Next, May’s Annual Victorious Woman Celebration, The Girlfriend Gala was bigger and better than ever! What a great night to celebrate the Victorious Woman in each of us! As host and emcee, I started the festivities with some special motivational remarks borrowing some help from The Help. Comedian Theresa Hummel Krallinger’s humor had us laughing until we cried! Special honors went to Victorious Woman Honorees The Prosperity Sisters and to Pattie Painter (one of the original victorious women – her chapter is If I Were Brave). See how Pattie reinvented herself after cancer. We had some great baskets for the raffle, had an awesome silent auction and everyone left with a gift bag. AND we raised almost $2000 for two great charities: Safe Harbor for the Homeless and the Phil-Hanna Fund, which supports women caregivers.
See pictures and read reviews from the Gala!
Then, my most unusual speaking gig this summer happened a couple weeks ago. I was invited by the women at Eileen Fisher Ardmore PA to give a motivational talk for one of their philanthropic projects, Katie at the Bat. “Katie Camp” helps inner city girls grow and achieve victory through sports. The girls ranged in age from 10-14, an age group I haven’t talked to since I taught middle school. I talked with these women-in-waiting about victory and power – their own personal, feminine power – and they “got it”; they were great! And Katie Camp organizers Lisa and Marian told me the girls were “enthralled” by what they heard.
Based on what I saw as they were leaving, I know the girls learned some different and important concepts about power, visioning and the power of their thoughts – new ideas that they’ll have for a lifetime. And, my Victorious Friends, that’s what totally jazzes me about what I do – outcomes like that are the reason I wake up every morning and go to work.
By the way, if you’ve been reading my blog, you know that my goal this year is to clean out every drawer, closet and room in my home. It’s been quite an adventure – especially comical was the day I found myself in Space Bag hell. Has that ever happened to you? Whew! The commercials don’t explain that some kind of coordination is a pre-requisite (but maybe it’s just me…).
In case you don’t already know it, cleaning and purging is a Law of Attraction technique that works! If you haven’t tried it, give it a go and see what comes into your life as you let other things leave it. And here’s an added benefit when you do it: the people at the Salvation Army (one of my favorite charities) are always glad to get the clothes, shoes and other [working] items you no longer need.
And speaking about the Law of Attraction, I’m offering the Victorious Woman Vision Board Webinar again. The LOA helps you attract what you want into your life – a good relationship, achieving personal and professional goals, reshaping your life around one theme, or developing a deeper life experience. This webinar will teach you just what to do to get where you want to be. Register Now!
Other classes I’m offering this fall include The Art of the Start and How to Talk so People Will Listen.
Happening NOW: Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories has just become available for KINDLE and NOOK! Since it’s a “re-launch” of my first book, I hope you can join me for one or two stops on the blog tour that starts next month.
Victoriously yours,
In this newsletter:Victory Update
The 2012
Victorious Woman
Contest Winners
Victory Topics and Tips
Happening This Fall
FOR KINDLE, NOOK, and MOST E-READERS! Victorious Woman:
Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories
is now available as an e-book online!
Download it today!
Join Annmarie
on the
Victorious Woman
September 3
Victorious Woman
on FB and Twitter!

New Articles Here’s some of the powerful stuffyou’ll find at the VictoriousWoman.com Victory Blog:
July’s Victory Theme: Energy
In July I explored the four types of energy – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – each one critical to your victory. You’ll find great tips to re-ignite, jazz up, rejuvenate and nurture your different energies for victory:
Victory and Physical Energy
Victory and Emotional Energy
Victory and Mental Energy.
Victory and Spiritual Energy
August’s Victory Theme: Victory Values
Click here for this month’s articles about how values shape your life choices as well as your decisions and behaviors…like “Spanx for Your Life”
Kelly’s Cafe
Annmarie answers your questions at Kelly’s Cafe. Got one? Ask it here!

Congratulations to the 2012 Winners!
1st Prize: Erin Connell
How I Reclaimed My Life & My Right to Happiness
A quick look at my childhood would far from suggest a dark and painful secret lurking beneath the surface. Read Erin’s Story.
2nd Prize: Paula Whittaker
Letting go of ANGER, FEAR and HATE When my son was 7 months old he suffered a brain injury while in the care of my brother-in-law. … the doctors said shaken baby syndrome. Read Paula’s Story.
3rd Prize: Anne Lawrence
I Am Victorious
The message I want to share is about finding meaning and joy in the simple things in life. Read Anne’s Story.
Your story could be next year’s winner! Contest opens in March – so start thinking now about the victory you want to write about and share with other women.
See the 2012 contest details here. (2013’s will be pretty much the same)

Get Inspired and Empowered
- September 3: Blog Tour
- October 9
Webinar: How to Talk so People Will Listen
Don’t let ineffective interactions hold you back for having the kind of life you dream of and deserve.Learn more…
Vision Boards are powerful tools for that can magnetize your personal and professional goals, reinventing your life or getting that “one thing” – car, house, lover – you dream about having. Learn more…
- December 4
Webinar: The Art of the Start
Don’t wait until December 31 and then start making meaningless resolutions that you forget about by January 6. Start now so that, in 2013, you can have MORE POWER, SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and SATISFACTION! Learn more…View all Upcoming Events!